How to convert coordinate from CSRS-PPP to be used with Reach RS2 base


I have collected RAW data in RINEX 3.03 where I have processed the .obs file at the Canadian NRCAN CSRS-PPP service.

I chose the Static and ITRF processing mode and received a coordinate:

ITRF14 (2020.8):
Latitude: 56° 33’ 13.95004"
Longitude: 8° 19’ 35.41018"
Ell. Height: 106.470 m

And did also received

UTM (North) Zone 32
6267930.197 m (N)
458598.539 m (E)

How do I convert one of these coordinates to enter the LLH or XYZ in the Emlid Reach RS2 when setting it up for base with manual coordinate?

Transform coordinates - GPS online converter right here
Also pay attention that it would be beneficial to process to ETRS89 when in Denmark.


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