GPS Not Working After Switching to Navio

give it a try - look for errors, expecially related to your script(s);

Alrighty thank you we will try that Friday. Are you familiar with any past situations with Link timeout, no heartbeat in last %s secondsā€™ % messages followed by >>> ā€¦link restored.? This happens directly after takeoff. Here is the line of code in dronekit: dronekit-python/ at master Ā· dronekit/dronekit-python Ā· GitHub

1.well my very cheap 3dr clone radio 433mhz has very very limited range, when both antennas positioned very bad and near emi sources down to about 30 meters(or worse);
2.and if i start mavproxy with systemd - without type=oneshot in the service file its being constantly closed restartedā€¦

this line is sending telemetry data over telem2 directly to uart and your radio; this is independent from dronekit; very likely a modem issue, no heart beat means no connection; which modem and which gcs do you use?

the dronekit and gps issue: journalctl (-xn) could give you a hint in the right direction

Thanks Benedikt, we use an ALFA AWUS036NEH to talk between a custom GCS and our planes but this is handled in our code rather than our autopilot. The only telemetry connection we have is udp:

Hey, we finally fixed it but dont know why!

We have been having link timeouts then link restored periodically every 5-10 seconds using dronekit to talk to arduplane locally using NAVIO2+RPi. After much struggle, setting the use_native=True parameter in the connect() function fixed our problem and the Mavlink messaging didnā€™t get dropped. What does setting use_native=True do, and when/why should we use it? Heres the API documentation for the connect function:

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Iā€™m glad you figured it out. It was a tricky one indeed.