Getting started videos for Reach RS2: First time setup, RTK over NTRIP and LoRa

Hi Emlid Community,

My name is Aleksei and I’ve recently joined Emlid as Video Producer.

Emlid’s primary goal is to deliver an amazing user experience with the products. I believe that simple and clear video guides are an essential part of it. From now on, we’ll be posting more tutorials to ensure you have a pleasant introduction to new Reach and ReachView features.

Today I am glad to show you new getting started videos of Reach RS2. We worked together on these videos with Application Engineers @tatiana.andreeva and @andrew.yushkevich, and our Marketing Manager @irina.dyacheva.

Hope you’ll love the new videos!

First Start of Reach RS2

The video explains the first update and connection to a Wi-Fi network.

Inserting a SIM-Card

The tutorial demonstrates how to enable a built-in cellular modem of Reach RS2.

Receiving RTK Corrections over the Internet (NTRIP)

This video overviews one of the most popular workflows made super easy with a built-in 3.5G modem of Reach RS2.

Setting RTK over LoRa Radio

This video shows how to set up two Reach RS2 units to work in RTK mode over LoRa radio. One as a base and one as a rover.


Why 5 Hz in Base and 1Hz in Rover ?


I think you meant the other way around? 1Hz BASE & 5Hz ROVER.

Why ? 1 Hz in base y 5 Hz in Rover


There’s no need in sending the corrections from the base station very often when you do ground survey.

In regards to rover, here you can choose any update rate you like.


Should the BASE Update Rate be higher when using a fast moving ROVER such as a drone scenario? I.e. if drone (ROVER) is set for 5Hz or 10Hz, MATCH THE SAME for the BASE also at 5Hz or 10Hz? I know higher rate will benefit for ROVER if possible, but will there be a benefit when BASE also set at higher rate in this scenario even though BASE stationary?

It does make sense to set BASE at 1Hz when doing point to point survey. I.e. walking.

Thank you Dimitriy. :wink:

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Even for PPK with a drone 1 Hz on the base station should be enough


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