Hello everyone, I’m Alessio, and i’ve been using the RS3 for about a year. When my unit was brand new, i had a false fix errors, as detailed explained in this famous forum topic: https://community.emlid.com/t/big-issue-with-data-repeatability-position-error-over-10cm/37043
After that, it seemed it was a NTRIP problem, i’ve changed provider and the errors looks disappeared.
But that’s not.
This morning i had huge errors during a survey, where my RS3 was totally in FIX solution with RMS errors around 1cm XYZ, but every time i “rebooted” it (stopping NTRIP corrections and then reconnnect) i had different values on the same point. Almost of them in that 10cm range of error, specially in Z.
Then i tried to PPK that points in Emlid Studio, and i discovered almost all of them were in FLOAT, so the Rover was in false fix almost all the time.
Here’s some screenshot of me trying to check a point. As you can see we have 18cm in height difference this time
On the same point, FIX solution, after a reboot, METERS AWAY!
This is the PPK track of my GCPs, as you can see most of them are in float (i needed to apply a combined filter type to get some fix, if i use the default one, 99.5% of my track was in float.
The area where we had the survey isn’t the most comfortable one, inside of a valley, we used also a Riegl Laserscanner with builtin GNSS and even that one had FIX problem, but at least IT SAYS is in float solution. Not like the Emlid which tells you you’re in FIX and then you’re not.
This is a HUGE problem. I can’t rely on my instrument in the field.
If someone from Emlid wants to give a look on this data, i’ve uploaded datas in this gdrive folder.
you find the points data in the CSV, the Reach LOG, and then RINEX files from 2 different provider and antennas: the TPOS (Trentino Positioning) which is a local NTRIP provider, and the HEXAGON national service.
As i said, i tried getting points with both TPOS and HEXAGON, and i had same errors in field. All of the time was in fix, but i get different coordinates every time i change ntrip correction.