I am a small site/civil contractor in North Carolina (United States).
I am new to using rtk/Reach RS3. I want to use it for staking out proposed building corners, curb and gutter, sidewalk, cut/fill elevations etc…for my projects.
I would like to use 1 receiver (rs3). Using 1 receiver I would need to subscribe to a NTRIP service for corrections right?
I have looked on YouTube for videos but haven’t found what I am looking for. I would like a very simple step by step explanation of how to stake proposed features of projects.
I assume a file or model would need to be imported to Flow.
Then what?
Go easy on the “new guy” please!
If using only one receiver, yes. To stake out points to centimeter level, you will need to use RTK which by definition means that you will be receiving corrections. That means another receiver on site (preferred), or a network solution.
Yes If you are going to stake out something pre-designed, you would need the points or geometry to be staked out available on Flow, or another software solution, first.
After you prepare your design points and import them into flow. And you establish and test your RTK setup, Then you stake out and mark your points however works for your project.
That’s it in a nutshell. But starting from scratch, you will need to educate yourself a bit on all of these factors to end up with satisfactory results.
It looks like you’ve received a great overview from Dave. To build on that, here’s a bit more detail:
Since NTRIP sends real-time corrections over the Internet, ensure your Reach RS3 has a stable Internet connection. You can also check our support tip for other things to consider when selecting an NTRIP service.
You can import your files in CSV, DXF, KML, or Shapefile format, and we now also support surfaces. But first, you need to create a project in the same coordinate system.
After the setup, you can start staking out the points in your project. Emlid Flow will guide you to each point by distance and by direction.
Feel free to ask any questions that come up. I’m here to help!
Since I intend to use a single RS3 I will need a SIM card with data service inserted into the RS3 to receive corrections right?
I have not seen a setup example for using one RS3, only base and rover
Yes, that’s right. You can insert a SIM card into the RS3, and it supports various 4G GSM SIM cards. From what I know, some of our users and dealers from the US work with Google FI Wireless/EIOTCLUB/Twilio/SPECTRUM SIM cards.
I’d also like to mention a few alternative options:
You can connect your RS3 to a mobile hotspot by following this guide.
Another option is to connect to the unit via Bluetooth and use the NTRIP over Bluetooth. This allows the RS3 to use your phone’s Internet to get corrections. First, open Emlid Flow and quickly tap the Profile tab 10 times to activate the BLE toggle.
For setting up the RS3 with an NTRIP service, we have a detailed guide in our docs.