The problem I think it has to do with RTKLIB software. Emlid ReachView is using the RTKLIB str2str software to transform the UBX messages from ZED-F9P GNSS module to RTCM legacy or msm messages. This transformation I think is problematic with some third party receivers. I am using now a M2 base setup with Reach RS2 rover with no issues (I get fix solution in seconds) with exact same setup (same internet connection, same NTRIP caster). I will try to get a fix also with a stand-alone ZED F9P receiver only though transferring the msm RTCM messages from u-center (dedicate software from
Ublox) with no RTKLIB str2str or str2svr (windows ui) software. Any updates from an Emlid representative about this issue? Does have a plan to fix this in a future software update?
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