Emlid caster, Rs2 messages Rtcm

Hi @geotimege,

I’m back with an update. We have checked, and the 1230 message isn’t empty but contains NULL. Following industry standards, Reach devices internally compensate for all biases; this is why this message contains NULL.

As for the 1033 message, it includes a special identifier—ADVNULLANTENNA (Antenna Descriptor and Serial Number). You can see it in message 1008 as well. Some older receivers may not have an updated antenna register. That’s why we send the Antenna Phase Center (APC) in message 1006, already considering the antenna offset. And use ADVNULLANTENNA in messages 1008/1033.

I’ve also clarified about Emlid Caster. It only transmits data from the base to the rover and does not process any messages. It’s up to the receiver to parse the data. Also, Caster has enough bandwidth to send all the RTCM messages, so message length shouldn’t be the source of the issue.

Hi @inkar.madikyzy !
Yes, I understand that the offset is zero, but it is transmitted as “none” (see the screenshot above).
I think that because of this, receivers like Trimble do not perceive this message. I think if you transmit 0 instead of “none”, then everything will work.
If necessary, I can show the stream that comes from the local Cors system from which all receivers work normally and accept all satellite groups into the solution.

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I understand your point. Sending a zero value instead of none might be helpful for your workflow. I’ll note it as a feature request and pass it on to the team. Thank you for bringing it up.

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Hello @inkar.madikyzy !
Here is the stream coming from the local CORS system.


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Hi @geotimege,

Thank you for sharing it with us!

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Hi @inkar.madikyzy ,
My pleasure! My goal is to make EMLID better!
Is there any progress on our issue?

We appreciate your feedback and requests regarding our products. However, this feature to modify the 1230/1033 messages is quite complicated to implement, so I can hardly share any exact plans.

I see, what is the difficulty, is there anything I can do to help?

It’ll require adjustments on both the hardware and software fronts. If we have any additional questions, we’ll be sure to contact you.