DIY portable hotspot & HOWTO send correction through free ntrip to LTE hotspot

This step by step guide explain how to set up one Reach unit as base providing a second Reach unit as rover with free open ntrip correction data from one point to another over internet. This way is not secure and your server will be open for others to see.

This guide assume basic knownledge about Reach and how to navigate and configurate it.
If not, start here

For this guide i used:
2 x Reach units with stock antenna and beta firmware 2.1.6
1 x LTE portable router with sim card (see pictures above) Spec
1 x Local wifi ( i used my own wifi at home with internet connection)
1 x computer to work from (phone/tablet is possible but pc is much easier and faster to work with)
and access to webpage

Note. Both Reach units is placed indoor, that explains the poor signal

Set up wifi so that both Reach units can connect to it. I have one wifi called dd-wrt and the other called RTK.
For this purpose dd-wrt acts as my home wifi connected to internet via local fiber and RTK is my portable wifi and connected to internet via LTE (router with 4g sim card in it). It should be possible to use phone as hotspot as well
I also saved both wifi points to both Reach units. From Reach menu its easy to select which unit should connect to wifi.
Now, connect one Reach unit to each of your wifi networks.

Start with the base and open base mode window. See picture below. Info used here you can find at rtk2go webpage, password might change but for now it is BETATEST. Montpoint to could choose your self.

Next, config the Reach as rover.
Username is the same as mountpoint. When you select mountpoint a drop down menu is visible and if the base is configurated correct, it will show up here. If not, you dont have set the base right and correction data is not beeing sent to
Once all info is typed in and setting applied,you will se correction data showing up at the bottom of this menu.

If everything work you should see correction data beeing applied in the status page.

That is pretty much it. Good luck!