CUT-FILL incorrect (bugged) to linework/points (but surfaces correct)

John, you can see real-time elevation in feet if you scroll the panel with coordinates to the left.

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Thanks for the tip! That will help. If you can correct the software so that it will also display feet in the status screen that would be good too. I use the app for quick grade shots when I don’t need to start a project.

Being able to take a few quick grade shots in feet by taping on the status screen would be very convenient. In the mean time, I will use a project to have that ability.

Thanks again, Igor!

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In your screenshot, I see “Virtual Reach”. Is there a way to enable that? :wink:

I found it… :wink:

Tap “Receivers” a bunch of times (10). EDIT: (Or “Survey” or “Profile” too)

Takes me about 10 taps to put a peg in too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Edit: Seems like this debug tool isn’t in the iOS version.

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Hi John,

Do you mean by the status screen is this one?

The cut and fill will also shown in feet if you set your linear unit in feet:

Let me know.

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Yes, that is the screen I was referring to. Thanks for your help!

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Hi John,

I see, thanks for confirming. I’m going to note yours as +1 to this feature request.

We don’t have it planned for now so I can’t give you any ETA. However I will get back to you when I have any updates regarding this!