Connecting REACH RTK to Wifi

I have been working on trying to connect my REACH RTK to my home wifi and get started, however, I have encountered a major issue and I am not sure how to precede. I am able to access the reach hotspot when first starting up the unit and connect it to my home wifi. Using Fling I am able to see the local host ip for the RTK unit (as identified by the Murata Manufacturing label in Fling), however, when I try to ping the address it says that the address is unreachable and that there is 100% packet loss.

I was able to successfully reflash the unit using my raspberry pi to REACH image v2.3. And repeated the same steps resulting in a similar outcome. The LED status light on the unit is a solid green which from reading the documentation means that the app is working but for some reason the unit is not connecting to the internet (Even though it appears in the list of local addresses)?

I am worried that I have set something up improperly? Currently I have the reach powered by my raspberry pi 3 and it is not running off an independent power source, I don’t think this would have an impact but I am not sure. Any advice or assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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