Canon Powershot S100 hardware integration problem | double time stamps

I did not solve the problem up to now. I had 2 S100 and they both died before beeing one second in the air. I had to find a solution very quickly (12 h) and ended up mapping 585 ha with a Canon A495… .

Since I did not need the precision Reach offers for that job I just used Reach for navigation which worked perfectly (with a fix) for 90% of the time.

Now I bought a RX100M2 and I hope my copter and gimbal will carry it.

When I have time later in the year I will try to find a solution for the Canon cameras anyhow since they are nice for a very cheap mapping setup and I have colleagues abroad which would be happy to have such a setup (which is better than most of the Phantoms anyhow).

I think it is better to filter the signal before it reaches the Reach module because I think the M8T only reports the time of the last edge within the epoche. And I think it is very simple to implement a solution with an Arduino which filters the signal.

This is correct. Good luck then :slight_smile:

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