Bug issues on IPhone

Issue on IPhone app

  1. iPhone app Ver 11.8 (latest)

  2. The app freezes and becomes non responsive if you open a file with points above 1,000. This never use to be an issue

  3. I’ve deleted and reinstalled the app and still have the same issue. The issue doesn’t seem to be on android tablets nor the web version


Actually it seems to be only on jobs above 1,000 created after the date 15/11/24 at least

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Hi Jack,

Thank you for reporting this. I couldn’t reproduce the same behaviour, but I want to investigate it. Could you please share the following details?

  • A screen recording of the app freezing.

  • The type and OS version of your iPhone.

  • The file you’d like to import.

If it’s more convenient, feel free to email these to support@emlid.com. Thanks!

Yep we ( myself and others on the team) are having the same problem with Apple iPhones app

Picks up the hot spot, sometimes drops out and really difficult to trouble shoot why it won’t find it again.

Sometimes a restart of all doesn’t solve the issue.

Hi Simon,

Could you please send a screen recording of this behaviour, along with your iPhone’s type and OS version, to support@emlid.com? I’d like to investigate this issue for you. Thanks!

  1. Screen record added showing earlier survey jobs with large points opening up no worries but newer surveys with large points opening up but then freezing the app

  2. IOS 18.2.1 (latest) ruining on iPhone 15pro

  3. No files needed to import these are files I surveyed with the app using an android tablet, I have used the same equipment on all surveys. The issue is when I try to open them up on my work phone after the survey to view them on the go

I will have to email the video to you as it will not let me upload the video here


Hi all,

I’d just like to leave an update that our devs have found the probable root of Emlid Flow freezing and are already working on a solution.

If there’s any update about it, I’ll make sure to share it.


Hi guys,

I’d like to share that we’ve released a new version of Emlid Flow—11.10. It contains improvements to how the app handles larger amounts of points.

Can you please update the app and check it out? Please feel free to share any experience!

This is why Emlid will always be on TOP!

Happy to report the app on iPhone now works on all projects now, even the project with 11,000+ points.

Congrats to the team on such a quick turn around with this one. Well done!

Kind Regards