I was wondering if there is a way to be alerted if a base station goes offline. Surely its an easy addition for emlid to add. A simple email alert would all it needs to be but if others are using it for Ntrip its very important to know if its gone offline.
That’s an interesting point. Have you experienced a situation where the base went offline? If so, could you share more about when and how it happened? Was the base set up via Emlid Caster?
I’ve had mine go offline because of an internet outage at the source. In the middle of a Survey and just lost corrections. An email alert would be great so we don’t stand around for an hour while rebooting and doing other troubleshooting waiting to see if they come back. An email if it goes back online would be great as well.
Yes I let other farmers use the NTRIP via emlid caster but I dont always know who is using it and have had a few instances where it went offline. One of which someone had turned it off, but I didnt know this until people called saying they had no signal!
As another note, it would be great at some point to be able to get alerted if the base no longer has a FIX as I have had a few times when it went into fload and the same thing happens that i get calls saying the NTRIP isnt accurate.
Are you moving your base around? Once a base coordinate is set, you don’t typically adjust it’s position via corrections. If you have it permanently mounted, “Fix” and “Float” are irrelevant. Those are terms relating to what a rover is receiving.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I now have a better idea of how this feature could be useful, so I’ve added it to our internal list. As with all feature requests, we log and review each one carefully.
@sam2, I’ve noted your request, but I can’t provide any ETA for it. @michaelL, I’ve added your suggestion as a +1 so we can continue tracking all feedback. I’ll be sure to keep you both posted on any updates.
I’d like to chime in on this too! The base only needs corrections if you’re averaging its position in FIX. Once it’s set up, you can disconnect it from the corrections. The base will continue sending corrections to the rover, which can calculate more accurate solution statuses, whether in FIX or FLOAT. So, as @dpitman noted, this status doesn’t really matter for the base once it’s properly set up.
Relative: you don’t need to know the precise base coordinates. You can simply place the base and use Average Single without any corrections.
Absolute: knowing the precise location of the base is necessary. The simplest option is to place the base on a known point and manually enter its coordinates.
If you don’t have a known point, you can use Average Fix. You’ll need to set it up to receive corrections from a second unit or an NTRIP. Once the base position has been averaged, you can turn off the Corrections Input.
I have made this suggestion to EMLID as well. I want to be able to see the base status within EMLID FLOW. I also want to be able to see the last time EMLID caster received correction data from each base. I had an issue a few weeks ago where both the base and rover were online, EMLID Caster showed the base was active and that the rover was connected and I still counldn’t get a FIX. The base a rover were in fixed locations where they had been working just fine previously. The only thing that helped was to restart both the base and rover.
I’ve noted your request to add a tab in Emlid Flow to view the status of all Emlid Caster bases. That’s also a good idea, and I’ll pass it along to our team.
As for the issue with getting a FIX, I’d like to investigate it further. Could you please share the following details?
On the rover’s Status tab, what does the corrections stream status show?
Was there a stable Internet connection on both devices?