[SOLVED] Real-time-Linux-RPi2 image link not found

Hi the link in the first comment did not work for me when I just tried it. went to 404 Not found error.

Pedro_Alves1Pedro Alves Aug '15 1
Hi, I’m trying to download the image from the downloads section but the link you have >in the docs page in pointing to nowhere.
Link: http://docs.emlid.com/Navio-APM/Downloads/Real-time-Linux-RPi2

That is only part of the problem I have been having. I have tried different browsers, OSes, but could not get the “download” link of http://files.emlid.com/data/public/rt-20150401 to work. I have been trying to get a RaspPi2 image since Dec 26th. I have been able to build the source kernel from github, with missing details, I guessed alot, and may or may not have a good build from scratch image loaded over the top of a Raspian system image. I would rather have the same image everybody else is using.

Are there mirrors sites to download from? or is the main download site having troubles and needing reset? Any one else having download of image problems? or is there a loose nut behind my keyboard? (Don’t answer that last one.)

Update Jan6: I tried at the local library. It started downloading at a super slow buzy library speed. So, it appears my internet connection or ISP is blocking something. What does the http://files.emlid.com/data/public/rt-20150401 need (ports? protocol?) to download through a firewall at my house? I can download most anything else, why is this different?

Update Jan7: I asked a friend to download it. He must have a blazing fast connection. It was downloaded and placed on Google drive in way less than an hour. So my fix for this problem of my internet connection was to get some one else to download it for me. And then download it from Google drive. As far as the weird internet connection of mine, it has been by passed with the above solution.

Thanks for looking @igor.vereninov reninov.

My MD5 checksum ended up being - a183c76fa93fa37b789d006d8cdd1a92